Exciting News!
Children, young people, and families can now access more support, as the Telford Children’s Autism Hub is expanding their current offer of post diagnosis support. The Hub is now also able to offer information, advice and support for families at the pre-diagnosis stage and who are on the pathway awaiting an Autism assessment.
Each month Telford Autism Hub presents workshops and webinars on various topics autistic people may find helpful. The workshops are held at The Glebe Centre giving you a chance to meet other people and to share your experiences. The workshops to date have included An Introduction to ASD, ASD and Anxiety, ASD and Employment and, among others, ASD and Wellbeing. When attending no-one is obliged to participate, there are often some attendees that prefer to sit and observe whilst others are happy to contribute. The workshops are not compulsory and you can pick and choose to attend the workshops that you will find the most beneficial.
Check out our Upcoming Events to find out more details.

Since the lockdown, Telford Autism Hub has been presenting on-line workshops called Webinars. Again, the areas covered have been wide-ranging but unlike the workshops, they are recorded and then shown again at a later date so those that miss the live event can watch the recording. You can choose how much or little you contribute to Webinars. Some people even keep their camera and microphone off. We appreciate that cameras and microphones cause anxiety and we understand if you choose to stay anonymous - it's your choice.
Both Webinars and Workshops are advertised in our monthly newsletter and also on our Facebook pages and usually there is no need to pre-book.
To view our latest webinars available visit out Facebook Event page.
If you see a webinar topic that is of interest to you then simply click on it and follow the link to register.

Free online interactive talks and information sessions from the comfort of your own home.