Exciting News!
Children, young people, and families can now access more support, as the Telford Children’s Autism Hub is expanding their current offer of post diagnosis support. The Hub is now also able to offer information, advice and support for families at the pre-diagnosis stage and who are on the pathway awaiting an Autism assessment.

General Parenting & Support Directory
Healthy Lifestyle
The Healthy Lifestyles Team are now booking telephone and video call appointments to support people to make sustainable changes for a healthy lifestyle.
The Team provides a free and confidential structured service to motivate, encourage and support local people to make changes to improve their health and wellbeing.
The service consists of six 1-2-1 sessions over a 12-week period supporting the areas of:
· Healthy eating
· Weight management
· Increasing physical activity and exercise
· Emotional health and wellbeing
· Lifestyle in pregnancy
· Family lifestyle
Smoking cessation (from aged 12+)
Residents of Telford & Wrekin
Referrals can be made in the following ways:
For our online contact form visit: www.telford.gov.uk/healthylifestyles
Email: healthylifestyles@telford.gov.uk
Telephone: 01952 382582
Award in Child Development Level 1 & 2
The course is intended as a first step for people who are preparing to work with children, or towards a career in child development. The course is also valuable in helping parents support their own children to learn.
By successfully completing this course you will achieve a Level 1 Award in Child Development (OCNWM) and then have the opportunity to progress onto a Level 2 Award.
Adults must be aged 19 or over from 1st August 2020 and be a Telford & Wrekin resident.
Use the link http://www.learntelford.ac.uk/ to access this course
The course is currently delivered on-line but will return to face to face learning once permitted
Award in Supporting Childrens Learning Level 1
This online accredited course is intended as a first step for people who want to work with children.
It is also valuable in helping parents support their own children to learn literacy and numeracy and understand the methods used in school to support reading, writing and numbers. The course will help to prepare you when with working with children in a school as a teaching assistant, seeking work as a lunch-time supervisor or for those who plan to volunteer in a school.
Adults must be aged 19 or over from 1st August 2020 and be a Telford & Wrekin resident.
Use the link http://www.learntelford.ac.uk/ to access this course
The course is currently delivered on-line but will return to face to face learning once permitted
Stepping Stones
Parenting Support available in Telford and Wrekin for groups covering age groups:
• 0-12 years
• 13-16 years
Stepping Stones (for parents of children with a disability, development delay and conduct disorder)
These groups focus on strategies for increasing desirable behaviour, strategies for managing problem behaviour as well as improving the emotional wellbeing of parents and children.
Also available:
• Triple P tip sheets
• Triple P workshops (2 hours)
Each course consists of 8 x 2 1/2 hour sessions (6 classroom based and 2 telephone sessions). Please note attendance on all 8 sessions is essential. Sessions are Term Time only.
• Teen triple P online is a web-based parenting programme that enables parents to work through modules to support parenting Parents are able to set their own goals and modules support parent to:
Improved communication
Positive relationships
Agree on rules
Deal calmly with conflict
Navigate emotional ups and downs
Strengthening Families
Various services are offered:
Family Support—referral is through a multi agency assessment, Early Help Assessment
Domestic Abuse Programmes
Freedom Online or Group programme
Power to Change
Me, My Child and Domestic Abuse
Crush (for young people aged 13-18)
Incredible Years is a parenting programme for children aged 0-10 years
Playing Together is a 13 week group for families with children aged 0-5
Online Parenting course
For residents of Telford & Wrekin
Family Connect www.telford.gov.uk/info/20223/family_connect 01952 385385 Parents can access universal services by calling Family Connect.
There is a criteria for support.
Telford & Wrekin Library Service: Reading Well
​Telford & Wrekin Library Service provides free access to books and resources to help Mental Health and Wellbeing. The Reading Well schemes help to support people to understand their health and wellbeing by using helpful reading. The books are all recommended by health experts, along with people living with the conditions covered and their relatives and parents. Books can be recommended by Health professionals or can be used independently.
Type of Service and/or Provision
Reading Well recommends reading to help children and young people understand their feelings and worries and cope with tough times. • Reading Well for Children is targeted at children in Key Stage 2 (aged 7-11) and includes a wide range of reading levels to support less confident readers and to encourage children to read together with their siblings and carers.
• Reading Well Shelf Help is aimed at teenagers and the books have information and advice as well as personal stories about dealing with feelings such as anxiety, depression or stress and experiences such as bullying. Other booklists available:
• The Blinks are for children aged 7 and over, they are focused on helping to improve wellbeing and development. The books cover six different emotions including worry, self-esteem, anger, love, sadness and shyness. They help children to develop strategies to aid their emotional and behavioural developments.
• Books Beyond Words use pictures to tell stories that engage with people who find pictures easier than words. They cover themes such as relationships and health.
Parents and schools can access this free service by visiting their local library.
Contact Details www.telford.gov.uk/libraries libraryenquiries@telford.gov.uk 01952 382915